Response to Intervention/Academic Intervention Services
The goal of our district is to prepare and present a quality academic experience for all students. Spencerport is implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) Kindergarten to grade 5 and Academic Intervention Services (AIS) for grades 6 to 12 to meet the varying needs of our students.
What are Intervention Services?
- additional educational experiences required by New York State Department of Education;
- designed to support students as they work toward the State's higher learning standards;
- intended to help students meet expected levels of performance on State mandated assessments.
What types of services are offered?
- additional instruction in ELA in Kindergarten through 12;
- additional instruction in Mathematics in grades 2 through 12;
- additional instruction in Social Studies and Science for students in grades 9 through 12;
- various counseling services when those services are required to improve academic performance.
Who is eligible for these services?
All students, including those with disabilities, are eligible to receive these services if they meet the district established entrance criteria.
Does my child have to receive intervention services?
Yes, because this is a mandated program, if your child has been identified as a student in need of intervention services (RtI for Kindergarten to grades 5 and AIS for grades 6 to 12), he/she must participate in the program.
How do we identify the students who will receive these services?
- Universal screening in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Kindergarten to grades 5;
- daily classroom performance;
- testing results;
- report card grades;
- input from teachers and/or parents.
A student will be placed in the program if he/she has:
- failed to meet the expected level of performance on a State mandated assessment;
- demonstrated a skill that places the student at risk of not passing a State mandated assessment.
The following are state-mandated assessments:
- English Language Arts for grades 3-8
- Math for grades 3-Â8
- Science for grade 8
- Regents exams at the high school level in the areas of English, Math, Science and Social Studies.
Who will provide this additional instruction?
The additional instruction provided will be delivered by qualified, certified teachers and teaching assistants under the supervision of a certified teacher. At the elementary level any certified teacher may deliver these services. For grades 7-Â12, a teacher must be certified in the area of need to deliver these services to a student.
How long will a student continue to receive these services?
A student will continue to receive these service until he/she is able to:
- pass a state-Âmandated assessment;
- demonstrate a skill level that is equal to the state's expected level of performance.
How will the school keep students informed?
Communication between school and home will be a very important part of the program. The communication plan includes the following:
- an entry letter to parents that briefly explains the student's needs and program;
- a letter explaining any modification of services for the student;
- quarterly progress reports included with school report cards that outline student progress;
- an exit letter to parents that acknowledges the student's progress.
Additionally parents and/or teachers may request a conference to discuss items of concern.
What can parents do to support the program?
Parent support will certainly add to the success of the program. If your child is placed in the program, please try to:
- be as positive and supportive as possible;
- encourage your child to do his/her best and to demonstrate effort and pride in his/her work;
- motivate your child by praising his/her accomplishments;
- practice the skills being worked on in school at home.