Policy 6111


District employees are expressly prohibited from: engaging in testing misconduct, as that term is described in the Commissioner's regulations; assisting in the engagement of, or soliciting another to engage in testing misconduct; and/or the knowing failure to report testing misconduct. When committed by an employee of the District in a position for which a teaching or school leader certificate is required, these actions or inactions will be deemed to raise a reasonable question of moral character under Part 83 of the Commissioner's regulations. A District employee in a position for which a teaching or school leader certificate is not required, who commits an unlawful act in respect to examination and records, will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board in a manner consistent with New York State law and regulation and any applicable collective bargaining agreement.

District employees will report to the State Education Department (SED) any known incident of testing misconduct by a certified educator or any known conduct by a non-certified individual involved in the handling, administration, or scoring of state assessments in violation of New York State law. This report will be made in accordance with directions and procedures established by the Commissioner for the purpose of maintaining the security and confidential integrity of state assessments. 

The District will not dismiss or take other disciplinary or adverse action against an employee because he or she submitted a report regarding testing misconduct to the SED. Any adverse action by an individual holding a teaching, teaching assistant certificate, or school leader certificate will be deemed to raise a reasonable question of moral character under Part 83 of the Commissioner's regulations and may be referred to the Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability at the SED.

Policy References:
8 NYCRR § 102.4

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 6111