Policy 7120



Students who are legal residents of the District and who reside with parents or guardians within the District at the time of the opening day of school must be five years of age or more on December 1 in order to register for kindergarten. 

A student who transfers into the District at any time during the school year may be considered for admission to kindergarten by the Superintendent provided: 

a) The parents were not legal residents of the District on the opening day of school, and 
b) The student has been registered and enrolled in kindergarten in the District in which his or her parents were legal residents. 

Other Grades

Admission of students to other grades will involve a consideration of both chronological age and his or her readiness to do the work of those grades. 

Proof of Age

A student's birth certificate or other satisfactory evidence of age must be presented at the time of initial registration and will be enrolled under his or her legal name. 

Policy References:
Education Law §§ 1712, 3202, 3212, and 3218

NOTE:  Refer also to 
Policy 7130 - Entitlement to Attend - Age and Residency
Policy 7131 - Education of Students in Temporary Housing

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 7120