Policy 7450


Fundraising projects in which students sell merchandise, provide services, or in other ways solicit money for school activities may be sponsored by school organizations with the express approval of the building principal. Any plan must have a clearly defined purpose and, in general, must contribute to the educational experience of students. Fundraising must not conflict with instructional programs or state mandates. Fundraising activities away from school property will be held to a minimum. All participation will be voluntary.

Door-to-door sales projects undertaken by any organization using the District's name require prior Board approval. Profits will be used to enhance school programs by providing money for expenditures not normally funded by the District.

Employees are cautioned against giving the impression to students that the purpose of selling items or paying a fee is to defray a portion of the District's educational program. At no time should a student's participation in an educational activity include these sales or fees. In addition, employees are not permitted to deposit the proceeds of any legitimate sales activity in their own personal accounts. These activities may jeopardize a student's right to participate in the educational program on a tuition or fee-free basis. Further, employees engaged in these activities may be held personally liable.

Policy References:

New York State Constitution, Article ⅤⅢ, § 1
Education Law § 414
8 NYCRR § 19.6

NOTE:  Refer also to
Policy 3271 - Solicitation of Charitable Donations

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 7450