Policy 7540


The Board will enact clear guidelines for prevention, intervention, and post-intervention of suicide, reflecting the District's concern for this serious mental health issue. The Board recognizes the need for suicide prevention and instructs the Superintendent to establish staff training and a suicide response plan which will be integrated into the existing school safety plan. The plan will include education and awareness of risk factors for youth suicide, procedures for intervening if a student exhibits risk factors, including referral services, and a post intervention plan to help the school and community cope with the aftermath of such a tragic event should it occur.

Suicide prevention will also be incorporated into the curriculum to educate students and done in a manner so as not to sensationalize the matter, but to provide students with information and resources on this important mental-health issue. In addition, the District will foster interagency cooperation that will enable staff to identify and access appropriate community resources to aid students in times of crisis. 

The administration is responsible for informing staff of procedures for suicide prevention, intervention, and post-intervention that have been developed by the District. The District will actively respond to any situation where a student verbally or behaviorally indicates intent to attempt suicide or to do physical harm to himself or herself. Staff training and professional development on suicide and crisis intervention will be made available. 

Policy References:

NOTE:  Refer also to 
Policy 3420 - Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the District
Policy 5681 - School Safety Plans
Policy 7550 - Dignity for All Students
Policy 7553 - Hazing of Students

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 7540