Homecoming/Spirit Week 2024

Homecoming/Spirit Week: Sep. 30 - Oct. 5
Posted on 09/27/2024
Spencerport will celebrate Spirit Week and Homecoming next week, and we are excited to show our Ranger pride and support our students.

The sports teams' schedules may be found on the athletic page here,

Popular events also include:

October 4:
  • 7 p.m.: Powderpuff Football Game, football stadium.
  • 8:30 p.m.: HS students* only: Bonfire. Attendees must show their student ID or ID through IC). *Must be picked up by 9:30 p.m. at the latest.

October 5:

12 p.m.: Homecoming parade

Please plan ahead: Any student, pre-K to 8th grade, must be accompanied by their parent/guardian to attend events, including the powderpuff game.

Thank you in advance for your support, so we may have a positive Homecoming experience for our students and community.