ELA instruction K-5

Teacher reading to students

The mission statement of Spencerport Central Schools challenges each educator within our district to provide an educational experience that inspires each student to contribute respectfully and confidently to an ever changing global community. In order to fulfill this challenge, our educational program must be built upon a solid balanced literacy foundation. This foundation should develop reading, writing, listening, speaking and technological skills that enable each student to:

* achieve his/her goals;
* develop his/her knowledge and potential;
* and participate fully in the wider society.

The literacy goals for our district include the following:

* All of our students will possess the literacy skills that are required for success in post-secondary education and/or the 21st Century workforce.
* The district implements the Wonders Reading Program, a scientifically  research-based literacy program that first teaches our students to read (Kindergarten – Grade 3) and then teaches our students to use their literacy skills to enhance all of their learning (Grades 3 – 5).
* The district will provide research-based writing instruction Kindergarten – Grade 5 that will enable each student to develop the skills needed to competently share their thoughts, ideas and new learning in a variety of written forms.
*The district is committed to on-going literacy assessment and the resulting data analysis designed to measure student growth and to inform student instruction.
* The district is committed to dedicating sufficient time to literacy instruction.

Elementary Literacy Expectations Guide.pdf