Policy 1410


The formulation and adoption of written policies will constitute the basic method by which the Board will exercise its leadership in the operation of the District. The Superintendent will act as an advisor to the Board in adopting and approving of written Board policies. The Board will seek input from staff and the community where appropriate. These written board policies will govern the operation of the District. 

The adoption of a written policy will occur only after the proposal has been moved, discussed, and voted on affirmatively at two separate meetings of the Board (i.e., the "first reading" and the "second reading"). The policy draft may be amended at the second meeting. By a majority vote, the Board may waive the "second reading" and complete the adoption of the proposed policy at its "first reading." 

Board action is also necessary for revising policies that require amendment or rescinding policies that are no longer relevant or applicable to the District.

The formal adoption, amendment, or deletion of written Board policy will be recorded in the official minutes of the Board. This written Board policy will govern the conduct and affairs of the District and will be binding upon the members of the educational community in the District.

It will be the Board's responsibility to keep its written policies up-to-date so that they may be used consistently as a basis for Board action and administrative decision. The Superintendent is given the continuing commission of calling to the Board's attention all policies that are out-of-date or for other reasons appear to need revision.

Execution of Policy:  Administrative Regulations

The Board will delegate to the Superintendent the function of specifying required actions and designing the detailed arrangements under which the schools will be operated. These rules and detailed arrangements will constitute the administrative regulations governing the schools, and they will be consistent with the policies adopted by the Board. The Board will be kept informed periodically of changes in administrative regulations.

Policy References:

Education Law §§ 1604(9), 1709(1), 1709(2), and 2503(2)

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 1410