Virtual Backpack

 Virtual Backpack

New Flyers:

The Great Alph Hunt 2 sided 2024.pdf

Summer Camps 2024.pdf

Robotics Summer Camp 2024.pdf  

SEPTA Flyer June 2024.pdf
Canal View Community Ed classes .png

Please see links on the left hand menu for area sports and youth group organizations.

Disclaimer: Spencerport Central School district neither endorses nor sponsors the organization or activity represented in this material.


Welcome to the Spencerport Central School District’s Virtual Backpack page where you can find community related e-flyers. Our district works with community non-profit organizations to present information about local activities that have educational, civic, recreational or cultural value for students. 

Information posted has been approved for distribution as a public service. The school district does not endorse community information posted here and does not assume responsibility for the activity or the organization. 

Students may still receive traditional backpack flyers from school sponsored events such as an Open House, book orders, after school activities, Parent Teacher Organizations, the Community Education Department and/or the Sports & Music departments.

We respectfully request that you do not contact principals, teachers or staff members   in our district directly. We do not add any of approved or not approved VB flyers to morning announcements. All applications must go through Virtual Backpack coordinator.

This also applies to advertising your organization at events that are not explicitly for that purpose. An example would be asking for a table at Open House or Homecoming vs. an information table at a school district sponsored Health Fair. 

Please contact our Community Programs Director with any questions. 

Thank you,

Christina Bowerman
Community Programs Director