Spencerport is committed to identifying and evaluating all students with disabilities (ages 3 yrs. to 21 yrs.) in the District who may need support services to ensure their success in the educational program. Spencerport strives to provide appropriate educational programs and services to meet the needs of all students.
Federal and State regulations additionally prescribe procedures to be followed with students who have disabilities. Even without laws mandating these programs, the school district recognizes its responsibility to reach out to students who have special needs.
Special education services are provided under the direction of the Director of Special Education. Before students are classified, Response to Intervention Teams or Instructional Support Teams (IST) ensure that all general education resources are utilized. The teams collect data and consider all findings to support referrals to the Committee on Special Education.
The district is also responsible for coordinating evaluations and services for preschool students suspected of having a disability.
To obtain assistance in understanding the special education process and your rights as a parent of a student with a disability, call 349-5140.
Contact Information:
Michael Sorbera
Director of Special Education
Nicole Hamelin
Elementary Coordinator of Special Education
Marybeth Fortunato
Secondary Coordinator of Special Education
Lisa Nielsen (Pre-School & Outplaced Students)
Administrative Assistant
Robin Giambra (Kindergarten - Grade 5)
Administrative Assistant
Michelle Laske (Grades 6 - 12 & Transition Students)
Administrative Assistant
Fax: 585-349-5040