Policy 7570


Students working on any activity must be supervised by the teacher or staff member in charge of the activity. This applies to all in-school and extracurricular activities as well as sports activities and events. Permission to hold practices or meetings will not be granted unless a teacher or staff member is clearly in charge. 

a) District personnel will be responsible for the supervision of all students in either their class or their after-school activities.

b) Coaches will maintain supervision over the dressing or locker rooms by being present during dressing periods. Coaches are responsible for the supervision of their athletes at the end of practice, including bus duty or making sure students have transportation home otherwise.

c) Teachers or assigned school personnel in the elementary grades will be responsible for playground supervision of all children under their jurisdiction during recess periods and before the regular afternoon sessions. The building principal will distribute the responsibility so that the playground situation is appropriately supervised.

d) Students will not be sent on any type of errand away from the building.

e) All teachers and staff working directly with students who have a history of wandering or elopement (i.e., leaving or running away from the premises without permission or notification) will be made aware of these concerns and of any existing behavioral intervention plan formulated to prevent or respond to instances of wandering or elopement.

Policy References:
NOTE:  Refer also to 
Policy 5681 - School Safety Plans
Policy 5720 - Transportation of Students

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 7570