Policy 3280


School Facilities

It is the policy of the Board to encourage the greatest possible use of school facilities for community-wide activities including those uses permitted by New York law. Individuals or groups wishing to use the school facilities must secure written permission from the Board or its designee and abide by the rules and regulations established for use, including restrictions on alcohol, tobacco, and drug use. All visitors must comply with the District's Code of Conduct.

The District reserves the right to charge a fee for the use of its facilities in a manner consistent with law, and on terms specified in regulation or by agreement with these organizations.

Materials and Equipment

Except when used in connection with, or rented under provisions of Education Law Section 414, school-owned materials or equipment may be used for school related purposes only. Private or personal use of school-owned materials and equipment is strictly prohibited. The loan of equipment and materials for public purposes that serve the welfare of the community is allowed, as long as the equipment is not needed at that time for school purposes and that the proposed use will not disrupt normal school operations.

The Board will permit school materials and equipment to be loaned to staff members when such use is directly or peripherally related to their employment, and to students when the material and equipment is to be used in connection with their studies or extracurricular activities. Community members will be allowed to use school-owned materials and equipment only for educational purposes that relate to school operations. The Board will also allow the loan of equipment to local governments and other entities that benefit the welfare of the surrounding community. The Board supports this inter-municipal cooperation as it saves taxpayer monies and is a more efficient use of scarce or costly equipment and resources.

Employee Use of District-Owned Vehicles

The District recognizes that some employees are on call at all hours, including weekends. Because of this, the District authorizes such employees to use District-owned vehicles for travel to-and-from District buildings to their residence.

Such personnel are the Director of Facilities and the Head Grounds Equipment Operator. The nature of their positions is that they are on 24-hour call, seven days per week and will usually be the first person that police or fire department officials contact in cases of emergency concerning school property or inclement weather. Due to these requirements, the use of a school-owned vehicle shall be authorized by the Board.

All other District personnel shall use District-owned vehicles only for school-related activity. All exceptions to this policy shall be made in writing to the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee.

Employees using District vehicles may not stop at a store, bank, their home, or any other place for personal reasons while en route to or from school business unless given permission to do so for each such occurrence by their immediate supervisor. Any traffic violation incurred through the use of a District-owned vehicle is the responsibility of the person incurring such violations.

Policy References:
Education Law § 414
NY Constitution Article 8

NOTE:  Refer also to 
Policy 3281 - Use of Facilities by the Boy/Girl Scouts of America and Patriotic Youth Groups
Policy 3410 - Code of Conduct
Policy 5640 - Smoking, Tobacco, and Cannabis (Marijuana) Use
Policy 7320 - Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs and Other Substances (Students)
Policy 7410 - Extracurricular Activities
District Code of Conduct

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 3280