Policy 5710


The Board recognizes and assumes the responsibility for all aspects of the transportation of children where the health and safety of students are involved, in light of its legal obligation to safeguard the welfare of bus-riding children. The purposes of the transportation program are to transport students to and from school, to transport them for extracurricular activities, to transport them on field trips, and to transport those requiring special services.

Scheduling and Routing

Bus routes are authorized by the Board and any requests for a change must be submitted to the Superintendent or designee. 

Transportation services will be provided to meet the needs of the students of the District within specified limits and areas established by the Board. 

Transportation will be provided for all students legally residing in the District subject to the following:

a) K-6 students will be transported to the public school within the elementary attendance boundaries in which they legally reside unless a variance is granted by the Superintendent of Schools.
b) 7-12 students will be transported to the public schools in the District as recommended by the administration and approved by the Board of Education.
c) Students are required to walk to collection points which are to be designated by the Director of Transportation. The collection points may be spaced up to 1,000 feet apart and students may be required to walk up to 1,000 feet to board the bus. Buses will not enter cul-de-sacs where students may board the bus by walking up to 500 feet. Buses will not travel on private or undedicated roads. It is the policy of the Board not to provide door-to-door service. Exceptions may be made for students with permanent or temporary disabilities with the approval of the Superintendent or designee.
d) Drivers are responsible for reasonable behavior of the students on the bus. Students who do not behave in an acceptable manner are to be reported to the Director of Transportation and may have their riding privilege suspended.
e) Since Activity buses travel in a larger geographic area, the Activity bus stops will be spaced further apart than on the normal bus routes.

Co-Operative Transportation

Provision for co-operative transportation between school districts is encouraged when it contributes to the operation of a safe, efficient and economical school transportation system.

The District will enter into co-operative transportation with other public school districts for resident students only if the Spencerport Central School District would otherwise provide transportation. This co-operative transportation must be in conformity with Board of Education policy Transportation of Students.

On an annual basis, the Director of Transportation shall consider entering into such arrangements with other School Districts upon written approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee.

Policy References:
Education Law §§ 1501-b, 1807, 3602(7), 3620-3628, 3635, and 3636

NOTE:  Refer also to 
Policy 7131 - Education of Students in Temporary Housing

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 5710