The intent of the Code of Conduct is to promote responsible behavior, which will lead to the greatest success for all learners in the school community. To achieve this goal, all members of the community are expected to learn and exhibit the following characteristics.
• Responsible Behavior
• Mutual Respect
• Personal Dignity
• Personal Excellence
The code of conduct, which a district committee reviews annually, applies to at any school function, on or off school property including on the school bus.
A public hearing is normally held in May to present edits for the upcoming school year, and obtain community feedback. The Board of Education then considers its adoption during its meeting in June.
PBIS – A Definition
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support program or PBIS is a school-wide systems of support that utilizes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behaviors to improve community wellbeing and to create a safe and supportive learning environment. PBIS is interrelated to the Code of Conduct and existing discipline systems by not only focusing on how to stop problem behavior, but by creating an environment that teaches and nurtures positive behavior. PBIS also supports the Dignity for All Students Act.
PBIS Purposes
The purposes of PBIS are to:
- Promote a positive and caring school environment where students are taught, practice and receive feedback from school staff regarding the expectations of the school.
- Intervene with students who experience behavioral difficulties by assessing data reasons for behavior and planning for behavioral change.
- Provide for wrap-around teams and partnerships with parent, school and community for behavioral change of students experiencing severe behavioral problems.
- Utilize data to design goals and outcomes.
PBIS Strategic Objectives
Each student will:
- Demonstrate an understanding of school-wide behavior expectations.
- Contribute positively to the school climate.
- Have frequent opportunities to be recognized for positive behavior.
- Recognize that he/she is a valued member of the school community.
PBIS at the school building Level
All Elementary Schools:
We are Respectful
We are Responsible
We are Ready to Learn
We are Proud
Cosgrove Middle School High Five:
Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be There and Be Ready,
Follow Directions, and Keep Hands and Feet to Self
Spencerport High School Rangers Creed:
R ight On Time
A ppropriate Attire
N o Inappropriate Cell Phone Use
G reater Understanding and Acceptance of Others
E ngaged In Academics
R espectful Actions
S ocially Appropriate (limit public displays of affection)