'No more worries about forgotten lunch money'

MySchoolBucks - Putting Money on Student Account
MySchoolBucks is a secure online payment collection system that ties in with the Nutrikids system at our cafeteria registers. MySchoolBucks allows parents to view account balances, receive low balance email alerts, add money to student accounts, set up automatic payments and view student purchases. Additional information is available at www.myschoolbucks.com. Online MySchoolbucks accounts are free but if you decide to make an online payment using MySchoolBucks there is a $3.25 transaction fee set by MySchoolBucks. If you decide not to place money on your child’s account through MySchoolBucks you can still setup and access your child’s account and check account balances, view their purchases, get low balance emails, and all the other features MySchoolBucks offers. Spencerport Food Services provides healthy meals for children: MySchoolBucks.com helps make sure children and parents know it!
How it Works
mySchoolBucks is your online portal to see information and pay your student's lunch account! Adding funds to your students account is easy:
First, access your account on mySchoolBucks and add your students. If you have multiple children, you can make multiple deposits for each child during your transaction.
Next, make a payment. The deposit amount can be placed against a credit card, debit card or your checking account. All payments are securely processed using Heartlands highly secure website and encryption. All payments are quickly credited to your students account.