Policy 2320


The Board believes that continuing in-service training and development are important for its members. The Board, therefore, encourages the participation of all members at appropriate school board conferences, conventions, and workshops which are believed to be of benefit to the District. However, in order to control both the investment of time and funds necessary to implement this policy, the Board establishes the following guidelines:

a) The District Clerk will inform the Board of upcoming conferences, conventions, and workshops. The Board will periodically decide which conferences appear to be most likely to produce direct and indirect benefits to the District. At least annually, the Board will identify those new ideas or procedures and/or cost benefits that can be ascribed to participation at these conferences. 
b) Funds for participation at conferences, conventions, workshops and the like will be budgeted for on an annual basis. When funds are limited, the Board will designate which members are to participate at a given meeting. 
c) Reimbursement to Board members for all actual and necessary registration fees, expenses of travel, meals and lodging, and all necessary tuition fees incurred in connection with attendance at conferences and the like will be in accordance with established regulations for expense reimbursement.
d) When a conference, convention, or workshop is not attended by the full Board, those who do participate will be requested to share information, recommendations, and materials acquired at the conference.

The authorization for Board members to attend a conference, convention, or workshop will be by Board resolution adopted prior to attendance. However, the Board, in its discretion, may delegate the power to authorize attendance at conferences to the President of the Board.

Where authorization has been delegated to the President of the Board, no expense or claim form will be paid unless a travel order or similar document signed by the President is attached to the form, authorizing the claimant to attend the conference.

Policy References:
Education Law § 2118
General Municipal Law §§ 77-b and 77-c

NOTE:  Refer also to  
Policy 5323 - Reimbursement for Meal Expenses Incurred During Meetings
Policy 6161 - Conference/Travel Expense Reimbursement

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 2320