Policy 1330



The Board is authorized to appoint individuals to positions which will facilitate the meeting of its responsibilities to the State, the District, and the community. These appointments usually take place at the Annual Organizational Meeting. 

The following will be appointed annually:

a) District Clerk;
b) Assistant District Clerk;
c) District Treasurer;
d) Assistant District Treasurer;
e) Tax Collector and Deputies;
f) External (Independent) Auditor;
g) Central Treasurer, Extraclassroom Activities Account;
h) Auditor, Extraclassroom Activities Account;
i) Audit Committee.

The following must be appointed but need not be reappointed annually:

a) Census Enumerator and assistants if District conducts census;
b) Director of School Health Services (District Physician/Nurse Practitioner);
c) Supervisors of Attendance;
d) Committee on Special Education and Committee on Preschool Special Education;
e) Records Access Officer;
f) Records Management Officer;
g) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) Local Educational Agency (LEA) designee;
h) Civil Rights Compliance Officer(s) (coordinates the District's efforts to comply with civil rights laws such as Title VI, Section 504, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Age Discrimination Act);
i) Title IX Coordinator(s) (coordinates the District's efforts to comply with Title IX; when appointing, District must "designate and authorize" the Title IX Coordinator(s)); 
j) Liaison for Homeless Children and Youth (McKinney-Vento Liaison);
k) Chemical Hygiene Officer;
l) Dignity Act Coordinator (one in each building);
m) Chief Emergency Officer;
n) Chief Information Officer.

The following may also be appointed:

a) School Attorney;
b) Claims Auditor/Deputy Claims Auditor;
c) Internal Auditor;
d) Insurance Advisor;
e) Copyright Officer.


The following designations will be made by the Board at the Annual Organizational Meeting in July:

a) Petty Cash Fund(s);
b) Official Newspaper(s);
c) Official Bank Depositories;
d) Official Bank Signatories;
e) Purchasing Agent;
f) Certifier of Payrolls;
g) Designated Educational Official (DEO) to receive court notification regarding a student's sentence/adjudication in certain criminal cases and juvenile delinquency proceedings;
h) School Pesticide Representative;
i) Reviewing Official, Hearing Official, and Verification Official for participation in the federal Child Nutrition Program (the Hearing Official may not be the same person as the Reviewing and/or Verification Official).


The following authorizations will be made by the Board at the Annual Organizational meeting in July:

a) Approval of attendance at conferences, conventions, workshops, and the like;
b) Superintendent to approve budget transfers within limits prescribed by Commissioner's regulation Section 170.2 and Board guidelines;
c) Superintendent to apply for Grants in Aid (State and Federal) as appropriate;
d) Establish mileage reimbursement rate;
e) Other(s) as deemed appropriate/necessary.

Policy References:
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, § 722, as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015
29 CFR § 1910.1450
Education Law §§ 305(31), 1709, and 2503
8 NYCRR Part 185
21 NYCRR Parts 1401, 9760

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22, 2/28/23

Policy 1330