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Spencerport Central School District
Bernabi Elementary School
Canal View Elementary School
Munn Elementary School
Taylor Elementary School
Cosgrove Middle School
Spencerport High School
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Spencerport Central School District
Home of the Rangers
2024-25 School Start Times review
Research on teen sleep
Committee on School Start Times
SST communications and updates
2022 Capital Project updates
Capital Improvement Project 2022
Project cost and funding
Scope | Plans by Building
Bernabi: proposed capital improvements
Canal View: proposed capital improvements
Munn: proposed capital improvements
Taylor: proposed capital improvements
Cosgrove: proposed capital improvements
SHS: proposed capital improvements
Transportation: proposed capital improvements
District Office: proposed capital improvements
2024 Capital Project
Before photos
Cornerstone: special edition
Costs and tax impact
Energy Performance Contract: referendum 2
Long-range Planning Task Force
Virtual tours with each building principal
COVID updates
Board of Education
Board of Education Meeting Minutes
Board of Education Policy Manual
Policy Series 1000
Policy 1110
Policy 1111
Policy 1120
Policy 1210
Policy 1220
Policy 1230
Policy 1310
Policy 1320
Policy 1330
Policy 1331
Policy 1332
Policy 1333
Policy 1334
Policy 1335
Policy 1336
Policy 1337
Policy 1338
Policy 1339
Policy 1410
Policy 1510
Policy 1511
Policy 1520
Policy 1530
Policy 1540
Policy 1610
Policy 1611
Policy 1620
Policy 1630
Policy 1640
Policy 1650
Policy Series 2000
Policy 2110
Policy 2210
Policy 2320
Policy 2330
Policy 2340
Policy Series 3000
Policy 3110
Policy 3120
Policy 3140
Policy 3150
Policy 3160
Policy 3170
Policy 3180
Policy 3210
Policy 3220
Policy 3230
Policy 3231
Policy 3250
Policy 3271
Policy 3272
Policy 3280
Policy 3281
Policy 3290
Policy 3310
Policy 3320
Policy 3321
Policy 3410
Policy 3411
Policy 3412
Policy 3420
Policy 3421
Policy 3510
Policy 3520
Policy Series 4000
Policy 4110
Policy 4210
Policy 4220
Policy 4230
Policy 4240
Policy 4310
Policy 4320
Policy Series 5000
Policy 5110
Policy 5120
Policy 5130
Policy 5140
Policy 5150
Policy 5210
Policy 5220
Policy 5230
Policy 5240
Policy 5250
Policy 5260
Policy 5310
Policy 5320
Policy 5321
Policy 5322
Policy 5323
Policy 5324
Policy 5340
Policy 5410
Policy 5411
Policy 5412
Policy 5413
Policy 5510
Policy 5511
Policy 5512
Policy 5520
Policy 5530
Policy 5540
Policy 5550
Policy 5551
Policy 5560
Policy 5570
Policy 5571
Policy 5572
Policy 5573
Policy 5574
Policy 5610
Policy 5620
Policy 5630
Policy 5631
Policy 5632
Policy 5633
Policy 5640
Policy 5650
Policy 5660
Policy 5661
Policy 5662
Policy 5670
Policy 5671
Policy 5672
Policy 5673
Policy 5674
Policy 5675
Policy 5676
Policy 5681
Policy 5682
Policy 5683
Policy 5684
Policy 5690
Policy 5691
Policy 5692
Policy 5710
Policy 5720
Policy 5730
Policy 5731
Policy 5740
Policy 5741
Policy 5751
Policy Series 6000
Policy 6110
Policy 6111
Policy 6120
Policy 6121
Policy 6122
Policy 6130
Policy 6140
Policy 6150
Policy 6151
Policy 6160
Policy 6161
Policy 6162
Policy 6170
Policy 6180
Policy 6211
Policy 6212
Policy 6213
Policy 6214
Policy 6215
Policy 6216
Policy 6217
Policy 6220
Policy 6310
Policy 6410
Policy 6411
Policy 6412
Policy 6420
Policy 6430
Policy 6450
Policy 6473
Policy 6520
Policy 6530
Policy 6540
Policy 6550
Policy 6551
Policy 6552
Policy 6560
Policy 6562
Policy Series 7000
Policy 7110
Policy 7120
Policy 7121
Policy 7131
Policy 7130
Policy 7132
Policy 7133
Policy 7140
Policy 7210
Policy 7211
Policy 7212
Policy 7220
Policy 7221
Policy 7222
Policy 7223
Policy 7226
Policy 7240
Policy 7241
Policy 7242
Policy 7250
Policy 7260
Policy 7270
Policy 7310
Policy 7311
Policy 7312
Policy 7312.1
Policy 7313
Policy 7314
Policy 7315
Policy 7316
Policy 7320
Policy 7330
Policy 7340
Policy 7350
Policy 7360
Policy 7410
Policy 7420
Policy 7421
Policy 7430
Policy 7431
Policy 7440
Policy 7450
Policy 7460
Policy 7470
Policy 7480
Policy 7510
Policy 7511
Policy 7512
Policy 7513
Policy 7514
Policy 7520
Policy 7521
Policy 7522
Policy 7530
Policy 7540
Policy 7550
Policy 7551
Policy 7552
Policy 7553
Policy 7560
Policy 7570
Policy 7580
Policy 7610
Policy 7611
Policy 7612
Policy 7613
Policy 7614
Policy 7615
Policy 7616
Policy 7617
Policy 7618
Policy 7620
Policy 7621
Policy 7630
Policy 7640
Policy 7641
Policy 7642
Policy 7643
Policy 7650
Policy 7660
Policy 7670
Policy 7680
Policy 7690
Policy Series 8000
Policy 8110
Policy 8130
Policy 8210
Policy 8220
Policy 8221
Policy 8230
Policy 8240
Policy 8240.1
Policy 8241
Policy 8242
Policy 8243
Policy 8250
Policy 8251
Policy 8260
Policy 8271
Policy 8273
Policy 8280
Policy 8320
Policy 8321
Policy 8330
Policy 8350
Policy 8360
Policy 8410
Policy 8420
Policy 8430
Policy 8440
Policy 8441
Policy 8450
Policy 8460
Policy 8480
Board of Education archives
Board archives 2021-22
Board president to step down
Open Meeting Documents 2021-22
Open Meeting Docs, Jun 21
Open Meeting Docs, Jun. 7
Open Meeting docs, May 24
Open Meeting Docs, May 3
Open Meeting Docs, Apr. 26
Open Meeting Docs, Apr. 12
Open Meeting Docs, Mar. 22
Open Meeting Docs, Mar. 8
Open Meeting Docs, Feb. 15
Open Meeting Docs, Feb. 1
Open Meeting Docs, Jan. 18
Open Meeting Docs, Jan. 4
Open Meeting Docs, Dec. 7
Open Meeting Docs, Nov. 16
Open Meeting Docs, Nov. 2
Open Meeting Docs, Oct. 19
Open Meeting Docs, Oct. 5
Open Meeting Docs, Sept. 21
Open Meeting Docs, Sept. 7
Open Meeting Docs, Aug. 10
Video recordings 2021-22
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 21
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 7
Video recording of board meeting, May 24
Video recording of board meeting, May 3
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 26
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 12
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 22
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 8
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 15
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 1
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 18
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 4
Video recording of board meeting, Dec. 7
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 16
Video recording of board meeting, Nov 2
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 19
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 5
Video recording of board meeting, Sept. 21
Video recording of board meeting, Sept 7
Video recording of board meeting, Aug 10
Video recording of board meeting, July 13
Board archives 2020-21
Open Meeting Documents 2020-21
Open documents, Jun 29
Video recordings of our 2020-21 meetings
Video recording of board meeting, June 29
Video recording of board meeting, June 15
Video recording of board of education, May 25
Video recording of board meeting, May 4
Video recording of board meeting, April 27
Video recording of board meeting, April 13
Video recording of special meeting, April 5
Video recording of special meeting, Mar 30
Video recording of board meeting, March 23
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 9
Video recording of special meeting, Mar. 2
Video recording of special meeting, Feb. 25
Video recording of special meeting, Feb. 24
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 23
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 16
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 9
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 19
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 5
Video recording of board meeting, Dec. 8
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 17
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 3
Video recording of special session, Oct. 27
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 20, 2020
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 6
Video recording of board meeting, Sept. 22
Video recording of board meeting, Sept. 8
Video recording of board meeting, Aug. 4
Recording and transcript of July 14
Board archives 2022-23
2022-23 BOE video recordings
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 20, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 6, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, May 23, 2023
Public hearing: Code of Conduct and SAVE plan
Video recording of board meeting, May 2, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 25, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 11, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 28, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 14, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 28, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 14, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 10, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Dec. 6, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 15, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 1, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, Aug. 9, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, July 12, 2022
Video of organizational meeting, July 12, 2022
Open Meeting Documents, 2022-23
Open docs, Jun. 20
Open docs, Jun. 6
Open docs, May 23
Open docs, May 9 public hearing
Open docs, May 2
Open docs, Apr. 25
Open docs, Apr. 11
Open docs, Mar. 28
Open docs, Mar. 14
Open docs, Feb. 28
Open docs, Feb. 14
Open docs, Jan. 24
Open docs, Jan. 10
Open docs, Dec. 6
Open docs, Nov. 15
Open docs, Nov. 1
Open docs, Oct. 18
Open docs, Oct. 4
Open docs, Sep. 20
Open docs, Sep. 6
Open docs, Aug. 9
Open docs, July 12, organizational meeting
Open docs, July 12
Board archives 2023-24
Open Meeting Documents, 2023-24
Open docs, Jun. 25
Open docs, Jun. 11
Open docs, May 28
Open docs, May 7
Open docs, Apr. 23
Open docs, Apr. 9
Open docs, Mar. 26
Open docs, Mar. 12
Open docs, Feb. 27
Open docs, Feb. 13
Open docs, Jan. 23
Open docs, Jan. 9
Open docs, Dec. 5
Open docs, Nov. 21
Open docs, Oct. 17
Open docs, Oct. 3
Open docs, Sep. 19
Open docs, Sep. 5
Open docs for public hearing Sep. 5
Open docs, Aug. 8
Open docs, Jul. 11 organizational meeting
Open docs, July 11
2023-24 BOE video recordings
Video recording, Mar. 12, 2024
Video recording, Feb. 13, 2024
Video recording, Jan. 23, 2024
Video recording, Jan. 9, 2024
Video recording, Nov. 21, 2023
Video recording, Oct. 17, 2023
Video recording, Sep. 5, 2023
Video recording, Aug. 8, 2023
Video recording, Jul. 11, 2023
Open meeting documents, 2024-25
Open docs, Feb. 11
Open docs, Jan. 28
Open docs, Jan. 7
Open docs, Dec. 3
Open docs, Nov. 19
Open docs, Nov. 5
Open docs, Oct. 22
Open docs, Oct. 8
Open docs, Sep. 17
Open docs, Aug. 6
Open docs, Jul. 9
Security check in for board meetings
Board members by terms
Culturally Responsive Education
Board policies review
CRE books by grade level
Definitions and glossary of terms
Diversity Equity Inclusion statements
Invisible Knapsack activity
Tips for dealing with bias
Federal Emergency Relief (federal stimulus)
Federal stimulus overview, Aug. 2021
Public survey on federal stimulus
FOIL requests
Health Services
Administering medications in school
Confidentiality and Emergency Information
Health Screenings
Immunization requirements
Physicals and Sports Recertifications
Forms and Documents
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in Youth
Exclusion Guidelines - Communicable Disease
Academic Intervention Services
Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR)
Child Advocacy Center (Bivona)
Digital Conversion Team
Dignity Act
Dignity Act Coordinators
Photos - DASA
ELA instruction K-5
ELA instruction 6-12
Elementary Report Cards
Enrichment & Acceleration Opportunities
Graduation requirements
Home Instruction
Math instruction, K-5
NYS Parent Dashboard
NYS Report Card
Professional Learning
CORE Programs
Key Initiatives
District Trainers
Professional Development Networks
School Counseling Guidance Plan
Special Education
Committee on Preschool Special Education
Committee on Special Education
Frequently Asked Questions
New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA)
A Parent's Handbook to NYSSA
New York State Blueprint for Improved Results for Students with Disabilities
Programs and Services
Physical Therapy
Spencerport Continuum of Services
Resources for Families
Section 504
Frequently Asked Question
Special Education Classifications
Virtual Learning Resources
SEPTA (Special Education PTA)
Student Services
Counseling Services
Academic Planning
Mental Health Services
Social Worker Services
Homeless Children and Youth
Who Is Considered Homeless?
Questions & Answers about education for homeless children and youth
Resources for Homeless Families and Youth
Tutoring Services
Drug and Alcohol Counseling
Social Studies framework
K-5 Summer Learning
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
How can I update my contact information?
Not receiving ParentSquare messages?
ParentSquare works with other platforms
Pre-Kindergarten program (UPK)
Road Map To Reopen Spencerport SCD
SCSD Strategic Plan
Strategic Objectives
Core Values
Strategic Delimiters
Safety & Security
2024-25 Districtwide Safety Plan
Security Department
Identification badges for staff
Dignity for All Students Act
Family Support Resources
Health and Safety Committee
District Safety Plan
Code of Conduct 2023-24
Safe School Helpline
Security ThoughtExchange results 2024
Threat Assessment Support Team
Assessment Process
The Pathway to Violence
How can I help?
Frequently Asked Questions
Reporting a Threat
Threat Assessment Resources
Workplace Violence Prevention Program
School Closings and Winter Recess Guidelines
Staff Links
Student Registration
K-12 Registration Instruction & Documents
Proof of Residency
Immunization Record
Questions or Tips
Home Language Questionnaires
Pre-K Registration
Private/Parochial Registration
Superintendent's Office
2024-25 Superintendent updates
Security ThoughtExchange results 2024
Urban Suburban Interdistrict Transfer Program
Website Accessibility Notice
Code of Conduct 2024-25
More About PBIS
Dignity Act for All Students
Infinite Campus
Clever Logon
Spencerport Intranet
Laptop User Agreement Protection Plan Online form
Parents & Community
Bivona: MBF child safety matters
Code of Conduct 2024-25
Community Notifications
Community Programs Department
Education Foundation (SCSD)
Family Support Center
About Erin Hassall, LMFT, RPT-S
Our Services
Crisis Community Resources
Additional Crisis Resources
Mental Health Resources
Mental Health Wellness
Divorce and Separation
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Resources
Food and Health Insurance Resources
Grief and Loss
Parenting Resources
Technology and Screen Time Resources
Report Child Abuse, Neglect
Supporting Children After A Traumatic Event
Autism Spectrum Disorder Resources
Trauma, Illness, and Grief (TIG) Team
Youth Mental Health First Aid
Virtual Calming Room
Forms and Publications
Infinite Campus
Information on Infinite Campus
Nature Center
DEC Summer Camp Scholarship Program
Helpful resources
Maple SugarFest
Maple SugarFest Schedule of Events
School Start & Dismissal Times
Spencerport Education Foundation
Departments & Programs
Business Office
2024-25 Budget Section
Board adopts 2024-25 tax levy
Budget book 2024-25
Budget briefings: video playlist
Budget Focus Group 2024
Energy Performance Contract
Key Budget Terms
Return on investment
2023-24 Budget Section
Budget Focus Group 2023
Expenditure plan
Revenues, tax levy and tax rate
ThoughtExchange on Budget
Bid Notices/Request for Proposals (RFPs)
Archived Bids
Nov 2023 RFP Energy Services Company (ESCO)
2024-2025 Bids
Capital Projects
Capital Improvement Project 2018
District Financials
Archived Financials
Legal Notice
New York State Transparency Report
Communications Office
2023-24 Cornerstone newsletters
Official logos and usage
Photo archives
Photo albums 2022-23
Photo albums 2023-24
Community Programs
Community Education
Driver's education
Driver's education sign up
Facilities Use
Volunteer Program
Volunteer Requirements
Virtual Backpack
Area Youth Organizations
Operation SAVE
Area Sports Programs
Guidelines for Virtual Backpack Posting
YMCA Westside
Facilities Operations
Facilities mission statement
Facilities notifications
Facility services provided
Parking on campus
Student parking
Student Safety and Security
Water Quality Testing
Winter Weather Management
District Safety Plan
Food Services
Building Cafeteria Contacts
Lunch and Breakfast Menus
Nutrikids Meal Account
Spencerport Charge Policy
Wellness Commitee
CEP - Free Meals for All
Meal Modification Procedure
Human Resources
Job Opportunities and Application
Spencerport Stars
Staff Resources
Employee Assistance Program
Staff Forms
College Tuition Partnerships
Certification and CTLE
Substitute Employment
Employment Notices
Medicaid Compliance Program
Security Department
Special Education Department
Technology Department
Smart Schools Bond Act
Data Privacy
Urban Suburban Program
Home of the Rangers
Sport Offerings
Athletic Schedules
Section V
APP (Athletic Placement Process)
Family ID Registration
Ranger Store
Spencerport Sports Boosters
Job Openings
2024-25 School Start Times review
Research on teen sleep
Committee on School Start Times
SST communications and updates
2022 Capital Project updates
Capital Improvement Project 2022
Project cost and funding
Scope | Plans by Building
Bernabi: proposed capital improvements
Canal View: proposed capital improvements
Munn: proposed capital improvements
Taylor: proposed capital improvements
Cosgrove: proposed capital improvements
SHS: proposed capital improvements
Transportation: proposed capital improvements
District Office: proposed capital improvements
2024 Capital Project
Before photos
Cornerstone: special edition
Costs and tax impact
Energy Performance Contract: referendum 2
Long-range Planning Task Force
Virtual tours with each building principal
COVID updates
Board of Education
Board of Education Meeting Minutes
Board of Education Policy Manual
Policy Series 1000
Policy 1110
Policy 1111
Policy 1120
Policy 1210
Policy 1220
Policy 1230
Policy 1310
Policy 1320
Policy 1330
Policy 1331
Policy 1332
Policy 1333
Policy 1334
Policy 1335
Policy 1336
Policy 1337
Policy 1338
Policy 1339
Policy 1410
Policy 1510
Policy 1511
Policy 1520
Policy 1530
Policy 1540
Policy 1610
Policy 1611
Policy 1620
Policy 1630
Policy 1640
Policy 1650
Policy Series 2000
Policy 2110
Policy 2210
Policy 2320
Policy 2330
Policy 2340
Policy Series 3000
Policy 3110
Policy 3120
Policy 3140
Policy 3150
Policy 3160
Policy 3170
Policy 3180
Policy 3210
Policy 3220
Policy 3230
Policy 3231
Policy 3250
Policy 3271
Policy 3272
Policy 3280
Policy 3281
Policy 3290
Policy 3310
Policy 3320
Policy 3321
Policy 3410
Policy 3411
Policy 3412
Policy 3420
Policy 3421
Policy 3510
Policy 3520
Policy Series 4000
Policy 4110
Policy 4210
Policy 4220
Policy 4230
Policy 4240
Policy 4310
Policy 4320
Policy Series 5000
Policy 5110
Policy 5120
Policy 5130
Policy 5140
Policy 5150
Policy 5210
Policy 5220
Policy 5230
Policy 5240
Policy 5250
Policy 5260
Policy 5310
Policy 5320
Policy 5321
Policy 5322
Policy 5323
Policy 5324
Policy 5340
Policy 5410
Policy 5411
Policy 5412
Policy 5413
Policy 5510
Policy 5511
Policy 5512
Policy 5520
Policy 5530
Policy 5540
Policy 5550
Policy 5551
Policy 5560
Policy 5570
Policy 5571
Policy 5572
Policy 5573
Policy 5574
Policy 5610
Policy 5620
Policy 5630
Policy 5631
Policy 5632
Policy 5633
Policy 5640
Policy 5650
Policy 5660
Policy 5661
Policy 5662
Policy 5670
Policy 5671
Policy 5672
Policy 5673
Policy 5674
Policy 5675
Policy 5676
Policy 5681
Policy 5682
Policy 5683
Policy 5684
Policy 5690
Policy 5691
Policy 5692
Policy 5710
Policy 5720
Policy 5730
Policy 5731
Policy 5740
Policy 5741
Policy 5751
Policy Series 6000
Policy 6110
Policy 6111
Policy 6120
Policy 6121
Policy 6122
Policy 6130
Policy 6140
Policy 6150
Policy 6151
Policy 6160
Policy 6161
Policy 6162
Policy 6170
Policy 6180
Policy 6211
Policy 6212
Policy 6213
Policy 6214
Policy 6215
Policy 6216
Policy 6217
Policy 6220
Policy 6310
Policy 6410
Policy 6411
Policy 6412
Policy 6420
Policy 6430
Policy 6450
Policy 6473
Policy 6520
Policy 6530
Policy 6540
Policy 6550
Policy 6551
Policy 6552
Policy 6560
Policy 6562
Policy Series 7000
Policy 7110
Policy 7120
Policy 7121
Policy 7131
Policy 7130
Policy 7132
Policy 7133
Policy 7140
Policy 7210
Policy 7211
Policy 7212
Policy 7220
Policy 7221
Policy 7222
Policy 7223
Policy 7226
Policy 7240
Policy 7241
Policy 7242
Policy 7250
Policy 7260
Policy 7270
Policy 7310
Policy 7311
Policy 7312
Policy 7312.1
Policy 7313
Policy 7314
Policy 7315
Policy 7316
Policy 7320
Policy 7330
Policy 7340
Policy 7350
Policy 7360
Policy 7410
Policy 7420
Policy 7421
Policy 7430
Policy 7431
Policy 7440
Policy 7450
Policy 7460
Policy 7470
Policy 7480
Policy 7510
Policy 7511
Policy 7512
Policy 7513
Policy 7514
Policy 7520
Policy 7521
Policy 7522
Policy 7530
Policy 7540
Policy 7550
Policy 7551
Policy 7552
Policy 7553
Policy 7560
Policy 7570
Policy 7580
Policy 7610
Policy 7611
Policy 7612
Policy 7613
Policy 7614
Policy 7615
Policy 7616
Policy 7617
Policy 7618
Policy 7620
Policy 7621
Policy 7630
Policy 7640
Policy 7641
Policy 7642
Policy 7643
Policy 7650
Policy 7660
Policy 7670
Policy 7680
Policy 7690
Policy Series 8000
Policy 8110
Policy 8130
Policy 8210
Policy 8220
Policy 8221
Policy 8230
Policy 8240
Policy 8240.1
Policy 8241
Policy 8242
Policy 8243
Policy 8250
Policy 8251
Policy 8260
Policy 8271
Policy 8273
Policy 8280
Policy 8320
Policy 8321
Policy 8330
Policy 8350
Policy 8360
Policy 8410
Policy 8420
Policy 8430
Policy 8440
Policy 8441
Policy 8450
Policy 8460
Policy 8480
Board of Education archives
Board archives 2021-22
Board president to step down
Open Meeting Documents 2021-22
Open Meeting Docs, Jun 21
Open Meeting Docs, Jun. 7
Open Meeting docs, May 24
Open Meeting Docs, May 3
Open Meeting Docs, Apr. 26
Open Meeting Docs, Apr. 12
Open Meeting Docs, Mar. 22
Open Meeting Docs, Mar. 8
Open Meeting Docs, Feb. 15
Open Meeting Docs, Feb. 1
Open Meeting Docs, Jan. 18
Open Meeting Docs, Jan. 4
Open Meeting Docs, Dec. 7
Open Meeting Docs, Nov. 16
Open Meeting Docs, Nov. 2
Open Meeting Docs, Oct. 19
Open Meeting Docs, Oct. 5
Open Meeting Docs, Sept. 21
Open Meeting Docs, Sept. 7
Open Meeting Docs, Aug. 10
Video recordings 2021-22
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 21
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 7
Video recording of board meeting, May 24
Video recording of board meeting, May 3
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 26
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 12
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 22
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 8
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 15
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 1
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 18
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 4
Video recording of board meeting, Dec. 7
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 16
Video recording of board meeting, Nov 2
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 19
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 5
Video recording of board meeting, Sept. 21
Video recording of board meeting, Sept 7
Video recording of board meeting, Aug 10
Video recording of board meeting, July 13
Board archives 2020-21
Open Meeting Documents 2020-21
Open documents, Jun 29
Video recordings of our 2020-21 meetings
Video recording of board meeting, June 29
Video recording of board meeting, June 15
Video recording of board of education, May 25
Video recording of board meeting, May 4
Video recording of board meeting, April 27
Video recording of board meeting, April 13
Video recording of special meeting, April 5
Video recording of special meeting, Mar 30
Video recording of board meeting, March 23
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 9
Video recording of special meeting, Mar. 2
Video recording of special meeting, Feb. 25
Video recording of special meeting, Feb. 24
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 23
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 16
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 9
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 19
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 5
Video recording of board meeting, Dec. 8
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 17
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 3
Video recording of special session, Oct. 27
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 20, 2020
Video recording of board meeting, Oct. 6
Video recording of board meeting, Sept. 22
Video recording of board meeting, Sept. 8
Video recording of board meeting, Aug. 4
Recording and transcript of July 14
Board archives 2022-23
2022-23 BOE video recordings
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 20, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Jun. 6, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, May 23, 2023
Public hearing: Code of Conduct and SAVE plan
Video recording of board meeting, May 2, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 25, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Apr. 11, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 28, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Mar. 14, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 28, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Feb. 14, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Jan. 10, 2023
Video recording of board meeting, Dec. 6, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 15, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, Nov. 1, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, Aug. 9, 2022
Video recording of board meeting, July 12, 2022
Video of organizational meeting, July 12, 2022
Open Meeting Documents, 2022-23
Open docs, Jun. 20
Open docs, Jun. 6
Open docs, May 23
Open docs, May 9 public hearing
Open docs, May 2
Open docs, Apr. 25
Open docs, Apr. 11
Open docs, Mar. 28
Open docs, Mar. 14
Open docs, Feb. 28
Open docs, Feb. 14
Open docs, Jan. 24
Open docs, Jan. 10
Open docs, Dec. 6
Open docs, Nov. 15
Open docs, Nov. 1
Open docs, Oct. 18
Open docs, Oct. 4
Open docs, Sep. 20
Open docs, Sep. 6
Open docs, Aug. 9
Open docs, July 12, organizational meeting
Open docs, July 12
Board archives 2023-24
Open Meeting Documents, 2023-24
Open docs, Jun. 25
Open docs, Jun. 11
Open docs, May 28
Open docs, May 7
Open docs, Apr. 23
Open docs, Apr. 9
Open docs, Mar. 26
Open docs, Mar. 12
Open docs, Feb. 27
Open docs, Feb. 13
Open docs, Jan. 23
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Policy 5676
Spencerport Central School District
Board of Education
Board of Education Policy Manual
Policy Series 5000
Policy 5676
The District is committed to maintaining the privacy and security of student data and teacher and principal data and will follow all applicable laws and regulations for the handling and storage of this data in the District and when disclosing or releasing it to others, including, but not limited to, third-party contractors. The District adopts this policy to implement the requirements of Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations, as well as to align the District's data privacy and security practices with the National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Version 1.1).
As provided in Education Law Section 2-d and/or its implementing regulations, the following terms, as used in this policy, will mean:
"Breach" means the unauthorized acquisition, access, use, or disclosure of student data and/or teacher or principal data by or to a person not authorized to acquire, access, use, or receive the student data and/or teacher or principal data.
"Building principal" means a building principal subject to annual performance evaluation review under the provisions of Education Law Section 3012-c.
"Classroom teacher" means a teacher subject to annual performance evaluation review under the provisions of Education Law Section 3012-c.
"Commercial or marketing purpose" means the sale of student data; or its use or disclosure for purposes of receiving remuneration, whether directly or indirectly; the use of student data for advertising purposes, or to develop, improve, or market products or services to students.
"Contract or other written agreement" means a binding agreement between an educational agency and a third-party, which includes, but is not limited to, an agreement created in electronic form and signed with an electronic or digital signature or a click-wrap agreement that is used with software licenses, downloaded, and/or online applications and transactions for educational technologies and other technologies in which a user must agree to terms and conditions prior to using the product or service.
"Disclose" or "disclosure" means to permit access to, or the release, transfer, or other communication of personally identifiable information by any means, including oral, written, or electronic, whether intended or unintended.
"Education records" means an education record as defined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and its implementing regulations, 20 USC Section 1232g and 34 CFR Part 99, respectively.
"Educational agency" means a school district, board of cooperative educational services (BOCES), school, or the New York State Education Department (NYSED).
"Eligible student" means a student who is eighteen years or older.
"Encryption" means methods of rendering personally identifiable information unusable, unreadable, or indecipherable to unauthorized persons through the use of a technology or methodology specified or permitted by the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services in guidance issued under 42 USC Section 17932(h)(2).
"FERPA" means the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and its implementing regulations, 20 USC Section 1232g and 34 CFR Part 99, respectively.
"NIST Cybersecurity Framework" means the U.S. Department of Commerce National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Version 1.1). A copy of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework is available at the Office of Counsel, State Education Department, State Education Building, Room 148, 89 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12234.
"Parent" means a parent, legal guardian, or person in parental relation to a student.
"Personally identifiable information (PII)," as applied to student data, means personally identifiable information as defined in 34 CFR Section 99.3 implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, 20 USC Section 1232g, and, as applied to teacher or principal data, means personally identifying information as this term is defined in Education Law Section 3012-c(10).
"Release" has the same meaning as disclosure or disclose.
"Student" means any person attending or seeking to enroll in an educational agency.
"Student data" means personally identifiable information from the student records of an educational agency.
"Teacher or principal data" means personally identifiable information from the records of an educational agency relating to the annual professional performance reviews of classroom teachers or principals that is confidential and not subject to release under the provisions of Education Law Sections 3012-c and 3012-d.
"Third-party contractor" means any person or entity, other than an educational agency, that receives student data or teacher or principal data from an educational agency pursuant to a contract or other written agreement for purposes of providing services to the educational
agency, including but not limited to data management or storage services, conducting studies for or on behalf of the educational agency, or audit or evaluation of publicly funded programs. This term will include an educational partnership organization that receives student and/or teacher or principal data from a school district to carry out its responsibilities pursuant to Education Law Section 211-e and is not an educational agency, and a not-for-profit corporation or other nonprofit organization, other than an educational agency.
"Unauthorized disclosure" or "unauthorized release" means any disclosure or release not permitted by federal or state statute or regulation, any lawful contract or written agreement, or that does not respond to a lawful order of a court or tribunal or other lawful order.
Data Collection Transparency and Restrictions
As part of its commitment to maintaining the privacy and security of student data and teacher and principal data, the District will take steps to minimize its collection, processing, and transmission of PII. Additionally, the District will:
Not sell PII nor use or disclose it for any marketing or commercial purpose or facilitate its use or disclosure by any other party for any marketing or commercial purpose or permit another party to do so.
Ensure that it has provisions in its contracts with third-party contractors or in separate data sharing and confidentiality agreements that require the confidentiality of shared student data or teacher or principal data be maintained in accordance with law, regulation, and District policy.
Except as required by law or in the case of educational enrollment data, the District will not report to NYSED the following student data elements:
Juvenile delinquency records;
Criminal records;
Medical and health records; and
Student biometric information.
Nothing in Education Law Section 2-d or this policy should be construed as limiting the administrative use of student data or teacher or principal data by a person acting exclusively in the person's capacity as an employee of the District.
Chief Privacy Officer
The Commissioner of Education has appointed a Chief Privacy Officer who will report to the Commissioner on matters affecting privacy and the security of student data and teacher and principal data. Among other functions, the Chief Privacy Officer is authorized to provide assistance to educational agencies within the state on minimum standards and best practices associated with privacy and the security of student data and teacher and principal data.
The District will comply with its obligation to report breaches or unauthorized releases of student data or teacher or principal data to the Chief Privacy Officer in accordance with Education Law Section 2-d, its implementing regulations, and this policy.
The Chief Privacy Officer has the power, among others, to:
Access all records, reports, audits, reviews, documents, papers, recommendations, and other materials maintained by the District that relate to student data or teacher or principal data, which includes, but is not limited to, records related to any technology product or service that will be utilized to store and/or process PII; and
Based upon a review of these records, require the District to act to ensure that PII is protected in accordance with laws and regulations, including but not limited to requiring the District to perform a privacy impact and security risk assessment.
Data Protection Officer
The District has designated a District employee to serve as the District's Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer for the District is designated by the Superintendent.
The Data Protection Officer is responsible for the implementation and oversight of this policy and any related procedures including those required by Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations, as well as serving as the main point of contact for data privacy and security for the District.
The District will ensure that the Data Protection Officer has the appropriate knowledge, training, and experience to administer these functions. The Data Protection Officer may perform these functions in addition to other job responsibilities. Additionally, some aspects of this role may be outsourced to a provider such as a BOCES, to the extent available.
District Data Privacy and Security Standards
The District will use the National Institute for Standards and Technology Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (Version 1.1) (Framework) as the standard for its data privacy and security program. The Framework is a risk-based approach to managing cybersecurity risk and is composed of three parts: the Framework Core, the Framework Implementation Tiers, and the Framework Profiles. The Framework provides a common taxonomy and mechanism for organizations to:
Describe their current cybersecurity posture;
Describe their target state for cybersecurity;
Identify and prioritize opportunities for improvement within the context of a continuous and repeatable process;
Assess progress toward the target state; and
Communicate among internal and external stakeholders about cybersecurity risk.
The District will protect the privacy of PII by:
Ensuring that every use and disclosure of PII by the District benefits students and the District by considering, among other criteria, whether the use and/or disclosure will:
Improve academic achievement;
Empower parents and students with information; and/or
Advance efficient and effective school operations.
Not including PII in public reports or other public documents.
The District affords all protections under FERPA and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and their implementing regulations to parents or eligible students, where applicable.
Third-Party Contractors
District Responsibilities
The District will ensure that whenever it enters into a contract or other written agreement with a third-party contractor under which the third-party contractor will receive student data or teacher or principal data from the District, the contract or written agreement will include provisions requiring that confidentiality of shared student data or teacher or principal data be maintained in accordance with law, regulation, and District policy.
In addition, the District will ensure that the contract or written agreement includes the third-party contractor's data privacy and security plan that has been accepted by the District.
The third-party contractor's data privacy and security plan must, at a minimum:
Outline how the third-party contractor will implement all state, federal, and local data privacy and security contract requirements over the life of the contract, consistent with District policy;
Specify the administrative, operational, and technical safeguards and practices the third-party contractor has in place to protect PII that it will receive under the contract;
Demonstrate that the third-party contractor complies with the requirements of 8 NYCRR Section 121.3(c);
Specify how officers or employees of the third-party contractor and its assignees who have access to student data or teacher or principal data receive or will receive training on the laws governing confidentiality of this data prior to receiving access;
Specify if the third-party contractor will utilize subcontractors and how it will manage those relationships and contracts to ensure PII is protected;
Specify how the third-party contractor will manage data privacy and security incidents that implicate PII including specifying any plans to identify breaches and unauthorized disclosures, and to promptly notify the District;
Describe whether, how, and when data will be returned to the District, transitioned to a successor contractor, at the District's option and direction, deleted or destroyed by the third-party contractor when the contract is terminated or expires; and
Include a signed copy of the Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security.
Third-Party Contractor Responsibilities
Each third-party contractor, that enters into a contract or other written agreement with the District under which the third-party contractor will receive student data or teacher or principal data from the District, is required to:
Adopt technologies, safeguards, and practices that align with the NIST Cybersecurity Framework;
Comply with District policy and Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations;
Limit internal access to PII to only those employees or subcontractors that have legitimate educational interests (i.e., they need access to provide the contracted services);
Not use the PII for any purpose not explicitly authorized in its contract;
Not disclose any PII to any other party without the prior written consent of the parent or eligible student:
Except for authorized representatives of the third-party contractor such as a subcontractor or assignee to the extent they are carrying out the contract and in compliance with law, regulation, and its contract with the District; or
Unless required by law or court order and the third-party contractor provides a notice of the disclosure to NYSED, the Board, or the institution that provided the information no later than the time the information is disclosed, unless providing notice of the disclosure is expressly prohibited by law or court order;
Maintain reasonable administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the security, confidentiality, and integrity of PII in its custody;
Use encryption to protect PII in its custody while in motion or at rest; and
Not sell PII nor use or disclose it for any marketing or commercial purpose or facilitate its use or disclosure by any other party for any marketing or commercial purpose or permit another party to do so.
Where a third-party contractor engages a subcontractor to perform its contractual obligations, the data protection obligations imposed on the third-party contractor by law and contract apply to the subcontractor.
Cooperative Educational Services through a BOCES
The District may not be required to enter into a separate contract or data sharing and confidentiality agreement with a third-party contractor that will receive student data or teacher or principal data from the District under all circumstances.
For example, the District may not need its own contract or agreement where:
It has entered into a cooperative educational service agreement (CoSer) with a BOCES that includes use of a third-party contractor's product or service; and
That BOCES has entered into a contract or data sharing and confidentiality agreement with the third-party contractor, pursuant to Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations, that is applicable to the District's use of the product or service under that CoSer.
To meet its obligations whenever student data or teacher or principal data from the District is received by a third-party contractor pursuant to a CoSer, the District will consult with the BOCES to, among other things:
Ensure there is a contract or data sharing and confidentiality agreement pursuant to Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations in place that would specifically govern the District's use of a third-party contractor's product or service under a particular CoSer;
Determine procedures for including supplemental information about any applicable contracts or data sharing and confidentiality agreements that a BOCES has entered into with a third-party contractor in its Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security;
Ensure appropriate notification is provided to affected parents, eligible students, teachers, and/or principals about any breach or unauthorized release of PII that a third-party contractor has received from the District pursuant to a BOCES contract; and
Coordinate reporting to the Chief Privacy Officer to avoid duplication in the event the District receives information directly from a third-party contractor about a breach or unauthorized release of PII that the third-party contractor received from the District pursuant to a BOCES contract.
Click-Wrap Agreements
Periodically, District staff may wish to use software, applications, or other technologies in which the user must "click" a button or box to agree to certain online terms of service prior to using the software, application, or other technology. These are known as "click-wrap agreements" and are considered legally binding "contracts or other written agreements" under Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations.
District staff are prohibited from using software, applications, or other technologies pursuant to a click-wrap agreement in which the third-party contractor receives student data or teacher or principal data from the District unless they have received prior approval from the District's Data Protection Officer or designee.
The District will develop and implement procedures requiring prior review and approval for staff use of any software, applications, or other technologies pursuant to click-wrap agreements.
Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
The District will publish its Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security (Bill of Rights) on its website. Additionally, the District will include the Bill of Rights with every contract or other written agreement it enters into with a third-party contractor under which the third-party contractor will receive student data or teacher or principal data from the District.
The Bill of Rights will contain all required elements including supplemental information for each contract the District enters into with a third-party contractor where the third-party contractor receives student data or teacher or principal data from the District. The supplemental information must be developed by the District and include the following information:
The exclusive purposes for which the student data or teacher or principal data will be used by the third-party contractor, as defined in the contract;
How the third-party contractor will ensure that the subcontractors, or other authorized persons or entities to whom the third-party contractor will disclose the student data or teacher or principal data, if any, will abide by all applicable data protection and security requirements, including but not limited to those outlined in applicable laws and regulations (e.g., FERPA; Education Law Section 2-d);
The duration of the contract, including the contract's expiration date, and a description of what will happen to the student data or teacher or principal data upon expiration of the contract or other written agreement (e.g., whether, when, and in what format it will be returned to the District, and/or whether, when, and how the data will be destroyed);
If and how a parent, student, eligible student, teacher, or principal may challenge the accuracy of the student data or teacher or principal data that is collected;
Where the student data or teacher or principal data will be stored, described in a manner as to protect data security, and the security protections taken to ensure the data will be protected and data privacy and security risks mitigated; and
Address how the data will be protected using encryption while in motion and at rest.
The District will publish on its website the supplement to the Bill of Rights (i.e., the supplemental information described above) for any contract or other written agreement it has entered into with a third-party contractor that will receive PII from the District. The Bill of Rights and supplemental information may be redacted to the extent necessary to safeguard the privacy and/or security of the District's data and/or technology infrastructure.
Right of Parents and Eligible Students to Inspect and Review Students' Education Records
Consistent with the obligations of the District under FERPA, parents and eligible students have the right to inspect and review a student's education record by making a request directly to the District in a manner prescribed by the District.
The District will ensure that only authorized individuals are able to inspect and review student data. To that end, the District will take steps to verify the identity of parents or eligible students who submit requests to inspect and review an education record and verify the individual's authority to do so.
Requests by a parent or eligible student for access to a student's education records must be directed to the District and not to a third-party contractor. The District may require that requests to inspect and review education records be made in writing.
The District will notify parents annually of their right to request to inspect and review their child's education record including any student data stored or maintained by the District through its annual FERPA notice. A notice separate from the District's annual FERPA notice is not required.
The District will comply with a request for access to records within a reasonable period, but not more than 45 calendar days after receipt of a request.
The District may provide the records to a parent or eligible student electronically, if the parent consents. The District must transmit the PII in a way that complies with laws and regulations. Safeguards associated with industry standards and best practices, including but not limited to encryption and password protection, must be in place when education records requested by a parent or eligible student are electronically transmitted.
Complaints of Breach or Unauthorized Release of Student Data and/or Teacher or Principal Data
The District will inform parents, through its Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security, that they have the right to submit complaints about possible breaches of student data to the Chief Privacy Officer at NYSED. In addition, the District has established the following procedures for parents, eligible students, teachers, principals, and other District staff to file complaints with the District about breaches or unauthorized releases of student data and/or teacher or principal data:
All complaints must be submitted to the District's Data Protection Officer in writing.
Upon receipt of a complaint, the District will promptly acknowledge receipt of the complaint, commence an investigation, and take the necessary precautions to protect PII.
Following the investigation of a submitted complaint, the District will provide the individual who filed the complaint with its findings. This will be completed within a reasonable period of time, but no more than 60 calendar days from the receipt of the complaint by the District.
If the District requires additional time, or where the response may compromise security or impede a law enforcement investigation, the District will provide the individual who filed the complaint with a written explanation that includes the approximate date when the District anticipates that it will respond to the complaint.
These procedures will be disseminated to parents, eligible students, teachers, principals, and other District staff.
The District will maintain a record of all complaints of breaches or unauthorized releases of student data and their disposition in accordance with applicable data retention policies.
Reporting a Breach or Unauthorized Release
The District will report every discovery or report of a breach or unauthorized release of student data or teacher or principal data within the District to the Chief Privacy Officer without unreasonable delay, but no more than ten calendar days after the discovery.
Each third-party contractor that receives student data or teacher or principal data pursuant to a contract or other written agreement entered into with the District will be required to promptly notify the District of any breach of security resulting in an unauthorized release of the data by the third-party contractor or its assignees in violation of applicable laws and regulations, the Parents' Bill of Rights for Student Data Privacy and Security, District policy, and/or binding contractual obligations relating to data privacy and security, in the most expedient way possible and without unreasonable delay, but no more than seven calendar days after the discovery of the breach.
In the event of notification from a third-party contractor, the District will in turn notify the Chief Privacy Officer of the breach or unauthorized release of student data or teacher or principal data no more than ten calendar days after it receives the third-party contractor's notification using a form or format prescribed by NYSED.
Investigation of Reports of Breach or Unauthorized Release by the Chief Privacy Officer
The Chief Privacy Officer is required to investigate reports of breaches or unauthorized releases of student data or teacher or principal data by third-party contractors. As part of an investigation, the Chief Privacy Officer may require that the parties submit documentation, provide testimony, and may visit, examine, and/or inspect the third-party contractor's facilities and records.
Upon the belief that a breach or unauthorized release constitutes criminal conduct, the Chief Privacy Officer is required to report the breach and unauthorized release to law enforcement in the most expedient way possible and without unreasonable delay.
Third-party contractors are required to cooperate with the District and law enforcement to protect the integrity of investigations into the breach or unauthorized release of PII.
Upon conclusion of an investigation, if the Chief Privacy Officer determines that a third-party contractor has through its actions or omissions caused student data or teacher or principal data to be breached or released to any person or entity not authorized by law to receive this data in violation of applicable laws and regulations, District policy, and/or any binding contractual obligations, the Chief Privacy Officer is required to notify the third-party contractor of the finding and give the third-party contractor no more than 30 days to submit a written response.
If after reviewing the third-party contractor's written response, the Chief Privacy Officer determines the incident to be a violation of Education Law Section 2-d, the Chief Privacy Officer will be authorized to:
Order the third-party contractor be precluded from accessing PII from the affected educational agency for a fixed period of up to five years;
Order that a third-party contractor or assignee who knowingly or recklessly allowed for the breach or unauthorized release of student data or teacher or principal data be precluded from accessing student data or teacher or principal data from any educational agency in the state for a fixed period of up to five years;
Order that a third-party contractor who knowingly or recklessly allowed for the breach or unauthorized release of student data or teacher or principal data will not be deemed a responsible bidder or offeror on any contract with an educational agency that involves the sharing of student data or teacher or principal data, as applicable for purposes of General Municipal Law Section 103 or State Finance Law Section 163(10)(c), as applicable, for a fixed period of up to five years; and/or
Require the third-party contractor to provide additional training governing confidentiality of student data and/or teacher or principal data to all its officers and employees with reasonable access to this data and certify that the training has been performed at the contractor's expense. This additional training is required to be performed immediately and include a review of laws, rules, and regulations, including Education Law Section 2-d and its implementing regulations.
If the Chief Privacy Officer determines that the breach or unauthorized release of student data or teacher or principal data on the part of the third-party contractor or assignee was inadvertent and done without intent, knowledge, recklessness, or gross negligence, the Chief Privacy Officer may make a recommendation to the Commissioner that no penalty be issued to the third-party contractor.
The Commissioner would then make a final determination as to whether the breach or unauthorized release was inadvertent and done without intent, knowledge, recklessness or gross negligence and whether or not a penalty should be issued.
Notification of a Breach or Unauthorized Release
The District will notify affected parents, eligible students, teachers, and/or principals in the most expedient way possible and without unreasonable delay, but no more than 60 calendar days after the discovery of a breach or unauthorized release of PII by the District or the receipt of a notification of a breach or unauthorized release of PII from a third-party contractor unless that notification would interfere with an ongoing investigation by law enforcement or cause further disclosure of PII by disclosing an unfixed security vulnerability. Where notification is delayed under these circumstances, the District will notify parents, eligible students, teachers, and/or principals within seven calendar days after the security vulnerability has been remedied or the risk of interference with the law enforcement investigation ends.
Notifications will be clear, concise, use language that is plain and easy to understand, and to the extent available, include:
A brief description of the breach or unauthorized release, the dates of the incident and the date of discovery, if known;
A description of the types of PII affected;
An estimate of the number of records affected;
A brief description of the District's investigation or plan to investigate; and
Contact information for representatives who can assist parents or eligible students that have additional questions.
Notification will be directly provided to the affected parent, eligible student, teacher, or principal by first-class mail to their last known address, by email, or by telephone.
Where a breach or unauthorized release is attributed to a third-party contractor, the third-party contractor is required to pay for or promptly reimburse the District for the full cost of this notification.
Annual Data Privacy and Security Training
The District will annually provide data privacy and security awareness training to its officers and staff with access to PII. This training will include, but not be limited to, training on the applicable laws and regulations that protect PII and how staff can comply with these laws and regulations. The District may deliver this training using online training tools. Additionally, this training may be included as part of the training that the District already offers to its workforce.
Notification of Policy
The District will publish this policy on its website and provide notice of the policy to all its officers and staff.
Policy References:
Education Law § 2-d
8 NYCRR Part 121
Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 6/16/20, 9/6/22, 2/28/23
Policy 5676