Policy 8450


The objective of the Board of Education is to provide an educational opportunity for every child, including those children who are unable to participate in a regular classroom program. In consideration of this condition, the Board of Education employs certified teachers to serve as tutors for the children.

Home Tutoring (Homebound Instruction)

Resident children attending public or nonpublic schools who are unable to attend school because of physical, mental, or emotional illness or injury as substantiated by a licensed physician are eligible to be instructed at home or in a hospital by an appropriately certified teacher provided by the District. These students will be provided with instruction in accordance with New York State Education Law and Commissioner's regulations. 

Procedures for students requiring home tutoring will be developed under the direction of the Superintendent or designee.

Policy References:
Education Law §§ 1604(20), 1709(24), 3202 and 4401
8 NYCRR § 175.21

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 8450