Policy 5551


Allocation of Funds

The District allocates the Title I, Part A funds it receives to District school buildings on the basis of the total number of students from low-income families in each eligible school attendance area or eligible school, as defined in law. Unless the District school building is participating in a school wide program, the District school building will only use Title I, Part A funds for programs that provide services to eligible children, as defined in law, identified as having the greatest need for special assistance. 

The District will reserve from its allocation of Title I, Part A funds, such funds as are necessary to provide services comparable to those provided to students in District school buildings that receive Title I, Part A funds in order to serve: 

a) Homeless children and youths, including educationally related support services to children in shelters and other locations where children may live; 
b) Children in local institutions for neglected children; and 
c) If appropriate, children in local institutions for delinquent children, and neglected or delinquent children in community day programs. 

Funds Will Supplement Not Supplant

The District will ensure that Title I, Part A funds only supplement, not supplant, the funds that would, in the absence of such federal funds, be made available from state and local sources for the education of students participating in programs assisted by Title I, Part A funds. 

Allocation Methodology 

The District has developed an allocation methodology that is consistent with Title I guidelines.

Policy References:
20 USC §§ 6312-6315 and 6321

NOTE:   Refer also to 
Policy 5110 -- Budget Planning and Development
Policy 5550 -- Maintenance of Fiscal Effort (Title I Programs)
Policy 8260 -- Title I Parent and Family Engagement 

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 5551