Policy 8480


a) The instructional services of the Spencerport Central Schools shall include, in addition to instruction as such, the supporting services of administration and supervision, recruitment of personnel, school health, research and evaluation, and specialized services for atypical children.

b) Such supporting services shall be provided in the following special schools and classes:

1. Insofar as resources shall permit, special classes for children with unusual capacity, intelligence or endowment.
2. Special schools or classes for pupils with a low level of mental maturity who have had a considerable lack of success in the regular schools and who, in consequence, have become school problems and may become community problems.
3. Teaching of the homebound children who are unable to attend classes in school but who can profit from instruction at home under parental supervision, or in hospitals, detention centers, or other agencies which have temporary custody of children.
4. The correction of speech defects by special teachers or remedial speech.
5. Child study, guidance, and clinical services as approved by the Board of Education.
6. Health services and classes as approved by the Board of Education.
7. There shall be maintained a continuous census of children of school age, and provision shall be made for promoting school attendance through adjustment of personal problems, education of parents, and enforcement of attendance and child welfare laws.
8. Insofar as resources will permit, the Board of Education may provide summer school instruction for grades one to twelve inclusive.
9. Insofar as resources will permit, the Board of Education shall operate classes for adults in fields of instruction for which there is a sufficient demand.

Adopted:  6/22/99
Revised:   9/6/22

Policy 8480