Policy 2210


The Board and/or the President of the Board may, at its discretion, establish committees for the purpose of undertaking a specific task in connection with Board activity. These committees, however, cannot make legal decisions for the entire Board. 

At the request of the Board, the President will appoint temporary committees consisting of less than a quorum of the full membership for special purposes. These committees will be discharged on the completion of their assignment. The President of the Board will be an ex-officio member of these committees. 

The Board recognizes that it may be necessary to periodically authorize advisory committees for the purpose of enlisting opinions and counsel of the general public. These committees will be appointed by the Board. The Board has the right to accept, reject, or modify all or any part of a committee recommendation.

Audit Committee

The Board has established an audit committee to oversee the internal and external audit of the District and report on its findings to the Board.

Visitation Committees

The Board will appoint one or more committees to visit every school or department at least once annually and report on their conditions at the next regular meeting of the Board. 

Policy References:
Education Law §§ 1708, 2116-c, and 4601

NOTE:  Refer also to
Policy 5572 - Audit Committee

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 2210