Online Resources:
American Academy of Pediatrics website provides general child health information and more specific guidelines concerning a pediatric issue.
Center for Parent and Teen Communication website provides resources for parents/caregivers, youth, and caring adults to help foster understanding, communication, and development of important life skills through adolescence. All of the information is from a trauma-informed, strength-based, and resilience mindset.
Sesame Street in Communities website provides resources and multi-media tools for parents/caregivers and providers for children from birth to six. The site covers a wide range of topics, from school readiness to building healthy habits to tough issues such as divorce and hunger. Sesame Street in Communities builds on their almost 50-year commitment to caring for the developmental, physical, and emotional needs of children.
Child Development Institute provides parents information on child development, child psychology, parenting, health, and learning.
Empowering Parents provides parenting support and resources to address your child's behavioral concerns.
ROC Parent website connects families ot community resources and events.
Kids Health is a wonderful website with information about health, behavior, and development from before birth through teen years.
Disney Family is the premier family and parenting destination with kids' crafts, holiday fun and activities, healthy food recipes, free online games.
MiddleWeb provides a wealth of resources for school districts, educators, parents, and public school advocates working to raise achievement for all students in the middle grades.
Netsmartz Internet Safety Guide for Parents
Netsmartz Parents Guide to Smart Phone Safety
PBS will expand your collection of parenting resources
Kids Out and About, Rochester, New York premiere resource guide to local family events and activities.
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