Cosgrove: proposed capital improvements

Aerial view of Cosgrove Middle School

 Safety and Security

Color key red SECURITY

New secured vestibule entrance
Enhanced visitor screening system
Electronic door controls
Exterior and interior door glazing
Breech/ballistic resistance

 Cosgrove vestibule layout
 Cosgrove indoor entrance

Color key TEAL for boilers
• Complete replacement of boilers
• Boiler replacement prioritized based
on inspection results.

Color key light purple for Roofing
• Partial replacement of existing roof

Additional Scope*

Color key yellow Additional Scope items
• Window replacements (one wing)

Key color green for funding
Estimated site total at Cosgrove $2,798,274

* Additional scope: The Facilities Task Force identified additional scope projects based on the following criteria:
  • impacts a large number of students
  • professional work environment
  • safety and security
Boiler replacement

Boiler replacement at Cosgrove