Policy 7211


The Board will provide parents or persons in parental relation who are hearing impaired with meaningful access to school initiated meetings or activities pertaining to the academic and/or disciplinary aspects of their children's education. School initiated meetings or activities include, but are not limited to, parent-teacher conferences, child study or building-level team meetings, planning meetings with school counselors regarding educational progress and career planning, suspension hearings or any conferences with school officials relating to disciplinary actions. The term "hearing impaired" will include any hearing impairment, whether permanent or fluctuating, which prevents meaningful participation in District meetings or activities.

Parents or persons in parental relation will be notified of the availability of interpreter services, to be provided at no charge, provided that a written request is made to the District within 14 days of the scheduled meeting or activity. Exceptions may be made for unanticipated circumstances as determined by the principal or designee. The District will also notify appropriate school personnel as to the terms and implementation of this policy.

If interpreter services are requested, the District will appoint an interpreter for the hearing impaired to interpret during the meeting or activity. The District will arrange for interpreters through a District-created list or through an interpreter referral service. The District will also develop interagency agreements, as appropriate, to ensure that sign language interpreters are provided for eligible parents or persons in parental relation when District students attend out-of-District schools or programs.

In the event that an interpreter is unavailable, the District will make other reasonable accommodations which are satisfactory to the parents or persons in parental relation. Examples of what constitutes reasonable accommodations in the event an interpreter cannot be located may include the use of:

a) Written communications, transcripts, or note takers; and 
b) Technology, such as: a decoder or telecommunication device for the deaf, assistive listening devices, and closed or open captioning.

Policy References:
Education Law § 3230
8 NYCRR § 100.2(aa)

Adopted: 6/22/99
Revised: 9/6/22

Policy 7211